Red Cloud Public Safety

Public Safety

When Seconds Count

Motorola Solutions wireless solutions for police, emergency and government agencies. Improving your response to mission critical situations - count on Motorola Solutions and Red Cloud Wireless & Data.

Red Cloud Public Safety

Public Safety

We focus on INTEGRITY. Our word is our bond. Nothing less.

Red Cloud is an authorized Motorola Manufacturers' Representative and P25 Systems Elite Specialist, offering the highest quality Motorola wireless voice, data and video equipment and dispatch applications to Public Safety agencies and First Responders.

Look to the team of Red Cloud professionals for advice and answers to your questions on Project 25 Interoperability, and the migration of existing analog radio communication networks to the new digital, Interoperable standard.
Red Cloud has partnered with Motorola Solutions, Inc. on the largest P25 network deployment in Northern California: EBRCSA.
Motorola Solutions has chosen Red Cloud Inc. as its exclusive Manufacturer's Representative for all cities within Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Marin Counties as well as the City and Country of San Francisco.
The Motorola Astro Digital line of P25-ready portable (APX1000, APX3000, APX4000, APX6000, APX7000, APX7000XE &  the new APX8000) and mobile (APX1500, APX4500, APX6500 & APX7500) two-way radio equipment is the industry standard for subscriber unit upgrades for their unmatched durability and high-tiered feature sets.


Red Cloud Dispatch

Two Way Radio Dispatch.

P25 Digital Subscriber Radios

Mobile Interoperability Solutions

Custom Installations


Dispatch Centers & Intelligence Led-Policing:

Command and Control: Red Cloud partners with Motorola Solutions to provide custom design, systems integration and installation of the desktop console radio equipment, computer hardware and software, console furniture, racks, monitors, headsets and microphones that constitute Public Safety dispatch centers.

Imagine what would happen if public safety agencies were able to harness the endless flow of data available in today’s world and access the right information in the moments that matter. Instead of limited situational awareness, lack of strategic support, and wasted operational time, agencies would have better and more informed decision making capabilities. Citizens and first responders would be safer, response times would be faster, and incident rates would be lower. Up to this point, these capabilities have been limited with the technology available to public safety agencies.

Intelligence-Led Public Safety solutions change that. By bringing together disjointed data, systems and technologies, these innovative solutions turn noise into actionable intelligence and delivers it to the right people just when they need it. This revolutionizes public safety agencies by leveraging technology to enable them to take action in real-time, be ready for what’s next and focus on their mission.


  • Unified real-time intelligence in a Real-Time Crime Center, on the street or any operational environment.
  • Integrate existing agency records and databases with publicly available data sources for enhanced situational awareness.
  • Share streaming video and other multimedia between communications centers, first responders or any other personnel.
  • Enable full command of situations directly from the Real-Time Intelligence Client through encrypted, mission-critical voice capabilities with the integrated radio console.
  • Access actionable intelligence directly from a secured browser on virtually any device.

Public Safety Case Study:

Problem: A local municipality had an existing UHF radio system for the Police Dept and two separate existing VHF radio systems (one for the Fire Department & one for Public Works). These three departments had many problems communicating with each other on a day to day basis as well as during emergencies.

Red Cloud Solution: Red Cloud designed and implemented a Motorola P25 Astro Digital SmartZone solution that unifies all three entities (PD, FD & Public Works) into one communications platform consistent with regional public safety interoperability technology standards.

Results: The customer now has a communications system that provides interoperability between departments, as well as improved day to day operations for first responders as a result of improved radio coverage.  Regional interoperability has been achieved for emergency response and mutual aid.

Trusted by thousands of customers throughout California.

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